There is no time better to start making goals and setting plan than the New Year! Let me help you will developing a money making plan that can work!
After spending two weeks in my Christmas basement drinking Egg Nog and waiting for Santa, I find myself returning to the real world and a new year. And to bring in the near year, it is always a great time to make money...EVEN MORE MONEY! I have spoken in the past about creating a business plan and sticking to it for any online venture. We'll, there is no time better than a fresh, new year. Resolutions! That is nothing more than a fancy way of saying "plan". I've got a resolution...I am planning on making my online business make over THREE times what it does now by June. Am I crazy and reaching too high? HECK NO! That is what making money online is all about and believe it or not, I think this is totally achievable.
Of course for some of you, making three times of nothing is still nothing, so that is not a very challenging feat. But this is a great time to change nothing into SOMETHING. So what is a reasonable goal for someone starting out online? Making a one year plan is too long, first of all. Split up your resolution (PLAN) into Quarters. A reasonable goal for the first quarter is to make a sale! Yes, this seems petty and kind of stupid, but is reasonable (especially for those of you who still have 9-5 jobs). A more aggressive goal for the first quarter is $20/day (That is $600/month). This is also very achievable, but requires a fairly focused effort. After you start getting those sales, you will find a momentum start to build up! Going from $20/day to $100/day is really not too bad. At this point, some of your SEO strategies are starting to help get your site on search engines and your PPC budgets can now grow a bit. So make that your second quarter goal!
After this point, I would leave it open. This may be the point to start a new venture or website. Maybe you want to get more aggressive on getting traffic or maybe the momentum of your website just continues to grow. It is really up to you at that point.
So where to start? The first month should be education. While in my basement over Christmas, I felt inclined to write a quick eBook (Secret2Succeed) to help those figure exactly WHAT to do and how to avoid some of the pitfalls of starting to make money online. You can get a free copy of it at During this month of education, you need to study, research and develop a more formal business plan:
- What am I going to sell or promote?
- Who am I going to sell it to?
- What kind of landing page am I going to make? (Blog? Yahoo-Store? Website?)
- How am I going to promote it?
- Where I am going to get my products?
- What tools can I use to be more efficient and make money faster?
All of these questions have simple answers. You need to figure out what works best for you. There is still a lot of great money making opportunities on the world wide web to make money. And there is no better time than the present to make it happen.
Again, Welcome to 2007! And next year, I hope your resolution is as lucrative as mine!
- Matthew Bredel