I keep slowly but surely add RSS feeds to various directories as well as add a few comments here and there to a few of the popular forums related to my product. I also spent a little time last night re-reading a chapter in BecomeHated called "How to Drive the Most Traffic to Your Site". This eBook has quite a bit of information related to SEO and is probably my most informative resource on the topic. One of the many points that it makes is that Page Rank is not only a function of how many websites link to you, but also what their Page Rank is as well. For example, having a primary link on one high ranked page (say 7 or 8) will probably help your own ranking much more than having a link on 5 different 1 or 2 ranked pages (truly understanding Page Rank is still a mystery, though). Keep this in mind when you are finding places to get your links posted. A bit more discussion on this topic can be found at:
For more details and ideas concerning SEO, I highly recommend getting a copy of BecomeHated.